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We're Glad You're Here

The Better Ministry is devoted to recognizing God’s reflection in all things, and pursuing and enjoying His glory with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength...Better! This includes celebrating what we do well with the Holy Spirit and willfully and progressively adding value (the meaning of Better) in all the ways He leads us.

We celebrate in two ways: by sharing what we all do well, and what we do distinctively well that we can learn from one another. As followers of Christ, we all answer God's call in our lives and live as He commands us, from sharing the Gospel and receiving new believers into His Church, to forming communities where we encourage one another and serve those in need. That is what faithful churches do best, and that is certainly something to celebrate!

The Better Ministry celebrates all the good God’s Church is already doing, but our primary focus is on how we can do it even better with the Holy Spirit leading the way. This includes networking with churches willing to share both successes and failures we can learn from and challenging all believers to keep growing in Christ toward all that He has prepared for us. This blog explores how we can share The Gospel, The love of God, and The power of the Holy Spirit in all we do, even Better.

If you read something that feels uncomfortable, please express how you feel because you are probably not the only one. These posts are meant to stretch our hearts, souls, minds, and strength beyond where we are today and keep growing into the Church God wants us to be. The best way to do that is together, including reading and responding to these posts after reflection, prayer, Bible study, and sharing your practical experience and insights.

Perfection on this planet is an illusion for men, but everything God has commanded is possible the more we follow Jesus through prayer, obedience, and enjoying Him in all we do. The focus of this ministry is to be 'fruitful and multiply' for the glory and enjoyment of God (Genesis 1-Revelation 22). And the more we follow Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit, the more we recognize God’s reflection in all things together for His Glory and our enjoyment of Him.

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