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Showing posts from June 24, 2024

Everyone's a Theologian!

Anytime we think about how everything happens, we're dabbling in theology. Whether we're pondering the origins of the universe, the intricacies of nature, or the purpose of life, we engage in theological thinking. Atheists essentially believe it all happens by chance, while theists are certain at least some intelligence involved. This broad contemplation is what forms the foundation of a universal understanding of theology. Theology m ight seem like a daunting word reserved for scholars and religious leaders, but in reality, everyone engages with theologi cal concepts. Our beliefs about existence, purpose, and the divine shape our daily lives and decisions, or they have absolutely no impact at all! This is the essence of theology: understanding the nature of everything and how it relates to our world, or willfully deciding none of it really matters. Most people naturally develop a personal theology, a set of beliefs that help them make sense of their experiences and the world ...

Positively Better!

Some people think of "better" as an indication that something is wrong, either recognizing imperfections or simply comparing superior and inferior things. However, that is never the intent of The Better Ministry! Our only focus is on how we can move forward together, and when it comes to Christianity, that always includes the Holy Spirit leading the way. In a universal sense, "positive" recognizes a charge that is benign until it's connected to something with a negative charge. It’s the connection with that negative charge that sparks energy, but there are two forces at play, and "better" is always focused on the positive one. The Gospel is always focused on the positive, even when it's spark comes from the consequences of sin, which are negative. It's the 'good news' that point to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! The same is true for The Better Ministry, whose sole focus is recognizing and pursuing what is positive, not negative. ...