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Showing posts from September 17, 2024

Who Are We Praying To?

Understanding the Trinity and True Prayer Have you ever wondered who you're actually talking to when you pray? You might say "God," but are you picturing Jesus? Maybe the Holy Spirit? Or is it just a vague sense of some divine presence? The truth is, many people—even in the church—pray without fully understanding who they are addressing. That’s okay at first, but as we grow in our faith, it becomes progressively important to know whether we're talking to the God of the Bible or something else. Understanding more about the Trinity brings clarity to this essential question. Who Holds All the Power? Let’s start with the heart of the matter: God the Father is the one who holds all authority and power. This isn’t just a theological opinion; it’s straight from Jesus. In Matthew 6:9 , when Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray, He begins with, “Our Father in heaven…” Jesus is pointing us directly to the source—the Father , who is in charge. Imagine you're at work, and